Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby K vs. Carlin; World Golf Series

Oh hai lol mind if I come in?
You can see how floppy his ear is now.

They've been causing destruction around the house a lot more lately.

Baby K looks back at his past, probably thinking about his last meal he had.

The Babe is often a spectator rather than a participant.  (He is American!)

Creepin Carlin
For some reason blogger had me upload each image individually and I could only do so in sections of 5 images?  But when I went back it was back to the usual up-loader so idk what that was.  Tomorrow Baby K is going to the vet hopefully to get his stitches out.  His ear although perpetually hung over seems to be in great condition now so hopefully it will not need any more treatment. 

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