Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Horrible Tornadoes In Joplin Missouri The Animals Need Your Help

So those of you that have been watching the news know that a place called Joplin, Missouri was hit by a horribly destructive tornado recently.  Not only do the people need help but so do the animals, here are a few links with ways you can help;  tamepetmag , Joplin Humane Society, and Animals Lost Found Joplin Mo.  If you are able to help in any way I encourage you to do so, same goes for this situation in all of the other tornadoes that have been hitting the United States lately. 
On the lighter side of things here's some pics of the babe.

Sleeping as always.

It's a trap!

Deadpool is ready to face his biggest challenge yet.

He's been sleeping in my paper recycling box a lot lately..

Here is our internet cat video for this post. 

Here is our picture of a cat other than Baby K that is one of my cats:
Carlin protecting my comics for me.  Such a good kitty.
Here is my photo of a cat from the internet:
I would love to see a giant Baby K Vs Godzilla

Please tell everyone you know that we exist.  Also The Babe encourages you to leave a comment. :3

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